Do you guys remember
I thought about her for a bit. I think her blog is gone but I found her using the wayback maching.
It had me thinking about other Gyaru and J-Fashion bloggers like universal doll and a few others.
I miss the community back then. As I often say I am 100% a baby gyaru as last year was really the first time I started more aggressively attempting the fashion. But I have loved gyaru since I think 2010 and it was such an interesting and cool thing I had discovered. I would often read blogs in the community and admire the styles and looks of all the girls in the fashion. I truly stopped paying attention to gyaru in 2016 and then just recently became interested in it again.
As I looked up a few older gyarus I came across lol cow and it quickly reminded me of how gyaru died. A lot of stuff back then became really toxic and elitist. It might be that way now, Buuuuttt I am not apart of any communities and I genuinely wouldnt care as much now about bully behavior etc.
But yea the gyarus back then were sooooo coooll I miss when everyone had a blog along with there own little html button linking to their blogs.
I absolutely cannot wait to get my tablet back and begin drawing again so I can draw my own button and work on some art for my blog.
I think this is something I wanted for a long time. So I hope to be loyal to my blog and being a gyaru.
Anyways heres some pics some of my favorite gyarus back then