I enjoy looking at magazine scans of gyaru styled girls. But I wish I had access to the magazines I would be so happy!!
I hope at some point to get a new job so I can really have a gyaru style room as well. At some point my little sister will graduate and we can all move together that would be so great because then Me and my sisters can get a 3 bedroom and share it. And we can all decorate our rooms based on our own styles!
I recently realized I can not dye my hair again for awhile it has definitely gotten much shorter. Its sad to admit but I am pretty sure I damaged it. But I can get wigs for gyaru so no problem.
I guess I am aware there are Gals with Black hair. But if I have black hair I feel I will look less gal.
I want to look Gal!!! I know I likely wont wear circle lenses, sense I am aiming a more casual gyaru look in public. Since I dont have a gal circle or gal friends it feels far more difficult to make myself gyaru in public.
I aim for natural looks closer to Namie Amuro style and also maybe Mami style.
Something pretty subtle but very Gyaru.
Its difficult because I seee so many pretty gyarus who wear a full face of makeup and are just super gyaru online. And I want to be like them.
I also am still madly in love with old school I often feel like I shouldn't outwardly claim myself any specific category of gyaru tho lol I just am Amerikaji, Popteen Style, and Old School depending on the day.
Lastly I am Spring cleaning today wish me luck