Saturday, March 23, 2024

going back to study chinese

I have many things I need to get done lately.
I feel like such a busy gyaru mama.
I need to schedule dental appointments, renew insurances. 
But also recently I have decided to give up dating and I feel I should replace it with something more better.
Like becoming prettier of course my most greatest obsession.
But also I should go back to learning Chinese.
To be honest I am pretty ashamed I have studied this language for sosososo long and still lack any and all fluency shame on me.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Life Update coming clean and making this a more honest blog/diary for myself

A rather honest statement from Mocha.
I want to create a blog I could kind-of runaway into and post things that fit into what I wanted to or maybe, imagined myself as. Mocha was kind-of like a gyaru character I played as and a caricature of gyarus I use to read. I feel like this kept me from properly making this blog what it should be, a diary and lifestyle blog for myself and my fashion, friends growth and also something fun to keep myself busy.
So in a weird coming clean will be a new start for this blog. I am a mom, I have an insanely messy home I have two cats and a toddler and I love fashion but I'm not exclusively gyaru just yet.
These may not be big deals to come clean about but I think it is a start to becoming someone I really want to be.
I want to post more and push myself to also post more pictures here.
I might delete a few old posts but yea that is all I wanted to say.
Thanks for reading

back again

I am back and will blog more regularly within reason ^_^ 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Todays chinese Post



Friday, August 18, 2023

30 days of gyaru blogging/School daze

 I've decided to begin a journey towards 30 days of Gyaru blogging.

★ I want to make my life more beautiful and gyaru style

★ I want to write and read more, and to continue improving my writing and reading

★ I want to take my Gyaru Journey more seriously, since ya know the blogs header literally says the Gyaru Journey of Mocha Kuma.

★ I want to have a more proper archive of my ideas and journey.

I want to also be more serious with myself on this blog. Noone reads blogs, and I feel like I try to avoid topics, or try to not be to personal if that makes sense.

But I have truly chosen the perfect format to express my ideas thoughts and feelings because blogs as well as long written posts are just not a popular thing anymore.

Now that, that is out of the way-- a quick life update I am transitioning jobs. I am no longer happy working in the medical field. At this point I would like to work within a call center and/ or closed environment with limited rules for appearances such as hair coloring and makeup (ex: bakery or retail). If I can do that I will be very happy. 

Another fun update I finally finished my first semester of college.

I didnt do very well since I in face dropped most my classes out of fear of failing, but

I did pass my toughest class Humanities as well as English.

This Fall semester, I really will try my best to improve and take classes more seriously, if I lack the discipline then if I fail it will inevitably be my own fault and well deserved. I don't desire to much involvement from my family, besides my sister and even her involvement I would like to be limited, since it is my own responsibility and also if I fail I dont want to be mad to feel embarrassed or bad. Afterall my struggles with school has always been a very sensitive topic for me.

We can't all drop out and be rich hostesses like Emiri-chan afterall. 

Since my Humanities class was a class, I was most worried about I will post my grade to celebrate my little accomplishment.

Yeah! Good job Mocha Kuma!!!!

Lastly I want to watch more Gyaru movies.

Anyways thats enough rambling for now.

Thanks for reading~🌺

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I want gyaru magazines sooo bad + cant dye my hair + still in love with old school + spring cleaning

 I enjoy looking at magazine scans of gyaru styled girls. But I wish I had access to the magazines I would be so happy!!

I hope at some point to get a new job so I can really have a gyaru style room as well. At some point my little sister will graduate and we can all move together that would be so great because then Me and my sisters can get a 3 bedroom and share it. And we can all decorate our rooms based on our own styles!


I recently realized I can not dye my hair again for awhile it has definitely gotten much shorter. Its sad to admit but I am pretty sure I damaged it. But I can get wigs for gyaru so no problem.

I guess I am aware there are Gals with Black hair. But if I have black hair I feel I will look less gal.

I want to look Gal!!! I know I likely wont wear circle lenses, sense I am aiming a more casual gyaru look in public. Since I dont have a gal circle or gal friends it feels far more difficult to make myself gyaru in public.

I aim for natural looks closer to Namie Amuro style and also maybe Mami style.

Something pretty subtle but very Gyaru.

Its difficult because I seee so many pretty gyarus who wear a full face of makeup and are just super gyaru online. And I want to be like them. 

I also am still madly in love with old school I often feel like I shouldn't outwardly claim myself any specific category of gyaru tho lol I just am Amerikaji, Popteen Style, and Old School depending on the day.


Lastly I am Spring cleaning today wish me luck

Monday, May 1, 2023

Life Update: Birthday+Bf+Kogal+hotpot+Second Job :(

Awhile back I had my birthday but sadly I didnt do like the full Gyaru look I wanted too. So maybe next year.

I did do a gyaru eye droop which was pretty cute.

Another fun update is I had gotten a brown wig. Id like to also get maybe a black wig to for casual days. It is very cute and gives definitely alot of early Tsu-chan vibes.

                                                ALso heres a close up Make Pic

Look at the lashes bruhhhhhhhhhh

Also for my birthday I went to two hotpot with some friends

                 Also recently I got a boyfriend. We met on bumble hes pretty nice and handsome.

     Hes a swim instructor so I really hope he can teach me to swim. I will then become such a bombastic                                                               fantastic beach  gyaru


We went to a awesome bar recently and it was fun i got a sangria. 

 I am pretty excited and can't wait for him to take me out on dates and do fun things together.


Also I am back in school. So can I be a kogyaru now?? Probably not lol I really have 0 interest in dressing kogyaru unless its like with a gyarusa. Also all my classes are online. I actually hate school but I do really want to graduate and school will give me MONEY which will be amazing.

Speaking of money! I still need a second job to pay off my stupid credit card ughhhhhhhhhhhh! Hopefully I can make more money with my job but kindof doubt it.

Thats just a little update.. Thanks for Reading 🌺

Thursday, March 23, 2023

My first Gyaru Meet + Thrift Haul

 I went to a convention recently. And tbh I'm super shyyyyy >_<  

The day before the event I went to Goodwill and got some new fits which is so awesome

I also had bought a cheetah print long-sleeved top but I forgot to take a picture of it and honestly my cheetah print long-sleeves can be a bit redundant since it's like my second cheetah print long-sleeve.

Before the event I was really nervous it was the first meet up I had ever been to and would be the first time I ever meet other gyarus ever. I also had non gal friends I was going to hang out with too. 

But before the con I woke up pretty late like at 12pm that day and didn't have time to straighten  my hair because I had to go to the con at 2 and it's 30 minutes away and basically I had to leave out at 1:30
I worked hard on my makeup but I didn't have Lashes, I never bought a wig for the con annnnddddd my makeup wore off basically before I even got there 

This was my makeup before the event. Honestly totally not gal enough 😢😞
And then when I got there I couldn't find my friend or the other gyarus for the meetup.

I started to get super super nervous. Finally I called one of the gyarus I was in contact with Bee. And she answered and I finally met her and another gyaru.
It was amazing seeing them in real life they looked just so cute and great! 
I felt so shy and awkward because I felt like I just wasn't gal enough with them.

But they were super fun and I bought a tail while I was hanging out with them.

Another fun thing is that alot of people at the ahime convention knew we were gyarus and that was even better and more fun that we were recognized 

Later I saw some of my non gyaru friends and spent time back and forth with the gyarus and my normal friends 
Which tbh became a little frustrating because I really wanted to spend time with the Gals. And do para para together.

But my best friend who is not a gal Nikki we spent time together and she bought me a really cool poster. It was a sign photo of Luna from Sailor Moon signed by the real English voice actor ♥  I was soo happy.

I also bought a cool metal mug for beer lol

Overall I had a really fun time.

I ended up leaving with my non gal friends so I left the meetup early.
Honestly after meeting other Gals it did inspire me to work harder to become an ever better gyaru.
I hope to be one for a really long time.

Yea anyways lol thanks for reading 🌺 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Broke Gyaru Makeup!

One may ponder, why do I love early gyaru makeup. And its definitely 100% the easiest makeup to do for gyaru. 

                                            Just have a tan*✅ (I already naturally have brown skin)
light colored hair*✅
heavy contour and highlight*✅
light eyeshadow*✅
nude lip*✅

I'm a broke b*tch!☆
But I would really like to share what products I use for my gyaru makeup. So here is a listing of my gyaru makeup products.

●My lipstick and nose highlight is just 
wetandwild foundation (Golden Beige) 6$ 🖤 

I use that foundation for concealers because I use concealer so often it's easier and cheaper to just use a foundation (lasts longer)

●My eye make 
maybelline Velvet Crush Quad Pallete 💜 6$

●My lip gloss 
thecremeshop Lipgloss Hello Kitty 💄 

●My foundation
Matte shade Warm Coconut 🥥 7$

My eyebrows, Lashes and eyeliner is just elf cosmetics.
My blush is also elf.

Hopefully one day I can make an update of my makeup with quality products.. lol until then 
 Thanks for reading 🌺

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Gyaru Things I want Very Badly

This is just a little blogpost about gyaru tingz I want super badly lol


Cheetah Print Cardigan


this is all 

going back to study chinese

I have many things I need to get done lately. I feel like such a busy gyaru mama. I need to schedule dental appointments, renew insurances. ...

Purple Spinning Heart Within A Heart