Friday, August 18, 2023

30 days of gyaru blogging/School daze

 I've decided to begin a journey towards 30 days of Gyaru blogging.

★ I want to make my life more beautiful and gyaru style

★ I want to write and read more, and to continue improving my writing and reading

★ I want to take my Gyaru Journey more seriously, since ya know the blogs header literally says the Gyaru Journey of Mocha Kuma.

★ I want to have a more proper archive of my ideas and journey.

I want to also be more serious with myself on this blog. Noone reads blogs, and I feel like I try to avoid topics, or try to not be to personal if that makes sense.

But I have truly chosen the perfect format to express my ideas thoughts and feelings because blogs as well as long written posts are just not a popular thing anymore.

Now that, that is out of the way-- a quick life update I am transitioning jobs. I am no longer happy working in the medical field. At this point I would like to work within a call center and/ or closed environment with limited rules for appearances such as hair coloring and makeup (ex: bakery or retail). If I can do that I will be very happy. 

Another fun update I finally finished my first semester of college.

I didnt do very well since I in face dropped most my classes out of fear of failing, but

I did pass my toughest class Humanities as well as English.

This Fall semester, I really will try my best to improve and take classes more seriously, if I lack the discipline then if I fail it will inevitably be my own fault and well deserved. I don't desire to much involvement from my family, besides my sister and even her involvement I would like to be limited, since it is my own responsibility and also if I fail I dont want to be mad to feel embarrassed or bad. Afterall my struggles with school has always been a very sensitive topic for me.

We can't all drop out and be rich hostesses like Emiri-chan afterall. 

Since my Humanities class was a class, I was most worried about I will post my grade to celebrate my little accomplishment.

Yeah! Good job Mocha Kuma!!!!

Lastly I want to watch more Gyaru movies.

Anyways thats enough rambling for now.

Thanks for reading~🌺

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